Get the life You Deserve

Welcome to Johnson Chiropractic, PC in Raleigh. Chiropractic care is one of the most important aspects of healthcare in order to achieve optimal healthcare. While many patients enter our office seeking pain relief, we offer a number of additional services. BocaLipoMelt Body Contouring, Auricular Acupuncture and Solutions4 Natural Weight Loss Program.
Thanks for visiting our website! Johnson Chiropractic PC is the premier chiropractor in Raleigh, NC. Your body was designed to be healthy and truthfully with proper care your body has an amazing ability to heal itself. We can make a great team. Health is your body's natural state.

Our Core Values
"Treat all patients with kindness, respect, and integrity. Strive to provide the excellent chiropractic care and results patients deserve. Educate patients concerning the numerous benefits of a healthy lifestyle and the continuing opportunity for improved health and vitality through modern chiropractic care. Honor and respect the valuable role all health professionals can have in a patient's life." - Dr. Chris Johnson
An Experienced Chiropractor in Raleigh Who Believes In You
Our patients are and always have been at the heart of our care. Making you feel comfortable, cared for and guiding you to better health is our main focus. We achieve this with our friendly staff, cutting edge technology and 5-star service.
Teacher, Coach, Chiropractor
In some ways, my career as a chiropractor began in the classroom of a small junior high school. Teaching young students and coaching young boys gave me an insight into the potential we all have as human beings. A healthy body is a requisite for learning, sports, and happy lives. After several years of teaching, I realized that a career in healthcare was going to be my chosen path.
Maybe it was chance, small events can change our lives. While considering a career in healthcare I went home to visit my mom at Thanksgiving. I grew up in a small town of 1200 people and ran into a high school friend Tommy Thorton, who was now Dr. Tommy Thorton, Chiropractor. Our families knew each other so after hearing me talk about my desire to enter a healthcare profession Dr. Thorton asked if I had considered chiropractic. I really hadn't considered chiropractic and Dr. Thorton said he loved being a chiropractor and invited me to visit he and his wife in New Bern, NC where he had a thriving chiropractic practice.
A couple of months later I was in New Bern visiting with Dr. Thorton where I spent an entire day meeting with and talking to many of his patients. Patients often expressed affection for Dr. Thorton and shared how he had helped them where others had failed. Some even became emotional because they had suffered poor health and pain a long time before "trying chiropractic as a last resort". Many years have passed since that day and I have been blessed to care for thousands of my own patients. There is no greater or fundamentally powerful tool for achieving and maintaining good health than the human body's ability to heal itself. All good doctors realize that the human body is a self healing miracle and good health is the body's natural state. All true health comes from within.
Chiropractors are highly trained doctors that work to identify and remove obstacles/causes that block good health. Chiropractors work with the body's structure, nervous system, nutrition and exercises to restore and maintain good health. The body's Natural State. I'm still teaching, coaching and helping my patients achieve better health. My patients bring me joy and I still remember being inspired by Dr. Thorton's patients.
In order to become a chiropractor one must complete a minimum of four years at an accredited chiropractic institution. Before being able to attend chiropractic school, it is required to have an undergraduate degree in a basic science or a number of years of experience in a different but relevant health profession.
Students working through the program to become chiropractors must log at least 4,200 hours in the classroom and also must, at minimum, undergo 1,000 hours of supervised training in a clinic. These supervised hours are used to teach how to diagnose specific conditions and what treatment techniques to use in order to bring the body back to its full potential.
Our team at Johnson Chiropractic, PC is dedicated to helping you reach optimal health and we look forward to meeting with you in order to design a personalized plan that meets your needs.