3Steps2WholeBodyWellness Program in Raleigh

Feeling sick should not be the first indicator for you to come into the Raleigh chiropractic clinic. Far too many people are waiting until they are sick to reach out to a clinic. The belief that health is supposed to decline while we age is unnecessary and should not be accepted. With current technology, and the fact that the healthcare field is constantly advancing and growing, living a completely healthy life should be expected. Despite common opinion, it is also possible to get healthier with age. This article is intended to expose you to some of the most common beliefs about health and showcase how chiropractic care at Johnson Chiropractic, PC is essential to your wellness care plan.
Dr. Johnson’s “3Steps2WholeBodyWellness Program” in Raleigh
The 3Steps2WholeBodyWellness program of care is uniquely designed to help patients suffering with chronic long term pain or complex chronic health problems.
Each day millions of Americans face the debilitating symptoms of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, headaches, RLS (restless legs syndrome), chronic fatigue, vertigo, and peripheral neuropathy, among many other chronic conditions.
Many of these patients have been bounced from doctor to doctor, had one test after another, take risky prescription drugs and yet remain very sick. It’s a vicious cycle that wears a patient down. Many feel hopeless.
Please Don’t Give Up!
There is a real hope and real results can be achieved when a patient understands the keys to wellness. The 3Step2WholeBodyWellness is an integrated program of wellness care that takes a unique whole body approach to helping you achieve better health. Health is the body’s natural state.
At the very heart of this system of care is a fundamental difference between our wellness care and much of the drug driven medical approach. We do not diagnose medical conditions and we will not advise you to stop any medical care.
In Our Practice We Treat Patients, Not Conditions
The 3Steps2WholeBodyWellness program is designed to identify the root causes of your sickness and works to eliminate those blockages to real wellness. Your body is an amazing network of systems that must work together in health and are all involved, to some degree in sickness. By addressing the Three Core Components of Health we can zero in on and work to improve all root causes of sickness, giving your body the opportunity to heal.
- Structural Health
- Nutritional Health
- Neurologic Health
Your body was designed to be healthy, and truthfully if it’s given proper care your body has an amazing ability to heal itself. The 3Steps2WholeBodyWellness program employs a powerful combination of time-tested and science based healing methods. Modern Chiropractic Care, Science Based Nutrition, Auricular Acupuncture and Safe Care Homeopathy are utilized to identify and eliminate root causes of serious illness. Structural Health, Nutritional Health, and Neurologic Health must all be restored to normal function in chronic sickness. For many patients this powerful system of integrated wellness care can produce life changing results.
Imagine A Healthy You
Nothing and I mean nothing is more powerful than your desire to be healthy again. Regardless of the illness you may be living with, your body struggles daily to restore health. Having cared for thousands of patients over 25 years one simple truth has become clear to me and its a fundamental truth all good doctors recognize. No doctor, no profession, no drug is more powerful than your body’s inherent ability to heal itself. Recognizing this simple fundamental truth may be the most important first step you can make in beginning your journey to wellness.
Your First “Two” Visits Are Free!
If you are living with a serious health problem and would like to learn more about the benefits of the 3Steps2WholeBodyWellness program please contact our Raleigh office. Your first two visits are free. These free visits are important for several reasons. Initially, we can meet with you, learn about your health history and what you’ve been going through with your sickness. We will share with you some valuable information about the 3Steps2WholeBodyWellness program and why it has worked so well for others. We’ll request some important health information from you that Dr. Johnson will review before your second “free visit.” At your second free visit Dr. Johnson will let you know if he feels this program has a strong likelihood of helping you. We do not accept all patients into this program of care.
Achieving real results will require a patient who is committed to getting well and we only accept patients that we feel confident can be helped and are committed to getting well. No examination or treatment will be provided on your two free visits. Dr. Johnson will personally go over all fees associated with examination, lab testing and treatment in your care. There is a substantial fee for this program of care and insurance does not cover this wellness driven care.
You will never feel pressure to accept care. Ultimately, your health is your responsibility, a concept that is often lost in a medical system that teaches dependency.
Thanks for taking time to review this information and we sincerely wish you better health!
If you have any questions, call our team at Johnson Chiropractic, PC and start your chiropractic journey in Raleigh today.
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Johnson Chiropractic, PC
4412 Falls of Neuse Road #111
Raleigh, NC 27609